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Otoplasty is the reshaping of the pinna. You can improve the shape, position or proportion of the ears which presented by structural defects, hereditary or extreme trauma, allowing a profit to appearance and self-esteem of the person.


It is important to clarify that this surgery does not correct hearing or structures related to the middle and inner ear problems.





- Ear correction screen 

This surgery is performed to decrease the projection angle and of the pinna. Is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries auricular performed, where cartilage is removed at the level of atrial remodeling shell and other structures which are altered alternatively, generating a harmonic appearance face.


- Microtia and anotia

This is an intervention that begins with the extraction of costal cartilage of the patient. These cartilages are specifically preferred to exploit its natural curvature and so generate a pinna like normal. Costal cartilages are remodeled to create the appearance of a normal pinna.




This is one of the cosmetic surgeries that can be performed from childhood. The ears can be corrected when development is complete, which happens about 6-8 years old. At this age children with prominent ears may be affected if not corrected in time this aesthetic detail.


However, a high percentage of adults flock where the surgeon to perform this type of intervention either by birth problems, improve their appearance when they are protruded or are very prominent. Asymmetries, ear deformities and subsequent reconstruction of an accident is also corrected.






- It is normal to experience swelling around the ears. Wear a rubber band around the first 2 weeks. You can resume normal activities almost after surgery, except for exercise.


- After the surgery the patient will micropore dressings which will be removed in the first postoperative day by the surgeon. It is important not wash it in the shower. It is recommended with the high header sleeping face up in order to avoid trauma to the ear during the healing period.


- In the case of children it is essential to talk with them the care that must be taken with sudden movements, normal physical activity can retrieve a month and sun exposure should be done after the first month, using sunscreen on the operated area.




You may be temporary decreased sensation in the treated area, bruising and swelling. However, these are improving gradually in the first days or weeks.


Usually the scars are hidden behind the ears and are imperceptible, but sometimes can occur keloid scarring depending on the individual patient.


All individuals have a degree of asymmetry which is more evident in some than in others for which no ear is exactly like another even before surgery, so it should be very logical to expected results.




The results for this type of intervention are immediate and will be visible once the dressings are removed and inflammation has subsided in a few weeks.

The results are long term staying naturally, which gives satisfaction and confidence.