This surgical technique involves making an incision above the pubis (where the scar will be) to the height of the lower abdominal crease, where it rises and excess skin and fat is removed. Abdominal muscles are strengthened allowing a firmer appearance. This procedure allows to remove unwanted tissue in the abdominal region which was obtained either by loss of weight due to pregnancy or hereditary conditions among others. If you have sagging skin, stretch marks below the navel and prominent abdomen, you are a candidate for this surgery performed.









The reasons for this procedure done are specific, among which are wanting to reduce the amount of skin in the abdomen, removing lesions as stretch marks or scars and improve cosmetic appearance. These are situations that do make the right decision.


Usually, this procedure is performed to patients having been pregnant left with stretch marks, sagging skin and abdominal weakness marked and people who have had considerable weight loss, mostly after a bariatric surgery.




- After the surgery and during the first five days, while lying, the patient must remain with the trunk and knees bent (a pillow under your knees helps maintain this position). Short walks accompanied by an adult, it is essential to prevent complications (thromboembolism) and the leg exercises and the use of anti-embolism stockings.


- When the patient is out of bed, should remain slightly bent during the first days. The use of belt is conducted and closed completely when the surgeon tells you to. The patient must maintain compression garment during the first three months and should start its use and perform the complete closure of the strip as directed by the surgeon. The use of belt permanently be held during the first two months. Then be used 12 hours a day. Their use ensures that the skin adheres again to the muscle. During surgery drains are placed at specific sites among which is that of infrapubic region and the sacral region, which will be removed between day 7 and 12 as directed by the surgeon.



- The shower should be taken together and sitting on a chair if dizziness occurs and should be done 2-3 times a day. It may reinstate their work activities after the first 15 days postoperatively and resuming sexual activity from the fourth week, depending on the threshold of pain and arrangement having each patient. You may experience numbness in the abdominal area that will persist for some months. The scar will turn a reddish color that gradually fade and depend on the individual healing process of the patient.


In pain management should take into account that each individual has a different and particular response where the mental sphere and way of coping plays a key role. From this we can identify that 80% of patients were managed with medication, 10% cannot have pain and 10% may experience pain until one month after the procedure done, the latter influenced by the factors that initially commented.


The completion of this procedure is highly complex and therefore must follow the instructions given by the surgeon. This like any surgical procedure can have complications among which are the seroma, hematoma, bruising and wound dehiscence ranging between 15-20 percent.




The patient presented pain. Likewise the presence of redness and swelling are normal in the process of recovery and stabilization.


Inflammation may occur in the extremities, which will soon disappear putting your feet up. The cut area may have bruises which were erased in a matter of 2-3 weeks. May occasionally to accumulate fluid under the skin, which is normally reabsorbed by the body, drained during massage or if it does not take care surgeon removing it.


It is normal to feel pressure during the first day and restraint in the front of the abdomen, for what may loosen the belt a little. Proper management will scar her with the passage of time, easily concealable in swimsuit and underwear almost imperceptible signal.


Remember postoperative requires patience and the results will be visible after 3 months because anger gradually decreasing inflammation. The final and definitive results will be at 12 months of this procedure, be very satisfactory increase self-esteem. You should keep a healthy diet and exercise as a healthy habit.




It is expected from this procedure a defined waist, improve the appearance of the navel, almost completely remove stretch marks located on the lower abdomen and tighten skin in the abdominal region.

This surgery can last up to three hours and can return to their daily activities within 2 weeks. It will be a scar on the site which will give you the care that the doctor says, because therein lies the result of a good healing.


Moreover it is important to understand that this surgery is not a way to lose weight and the results can be better when you have a normal weight. Procedural success lies in following the doctor's recommendations promptly and maintain adequate food and hygiene habits after the procedure, which ensure better healing.