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Blepharoplasty can be performed on the upper and lower eyelids for a face look more youthful and fresh. This procedure consists of removing skin excess and fat bags. Eyelid surgery does not stop the aging and the appearance of new lines, but what if it is guaranteed to improve the appearance of the face that is altered by moving the grease into the lower eyelid and get the dermal descent.









There are several techniques for aesthetic intervention of the eyelids:


- Classic Approach: 

Involves making an incision hidden in the natural crease of the upper eyelid. Through which the excess skin and fatty tissue is removed. Lower lid a small cut is made in the muscle just below the line of insertion of eye lashes, exposing fat bags and subsequently remove them extract as dermal excess.


- Approximation Transconjunctival:

This technique is used to remove the fatty tissue of the lower eyelid. The excess fat is removed through an incision on the inside of the lower lid. Sometimes it is accompanied by other facial procedures.




This procedure can be performed to all adult patients often manifest weight of the eyelids, bags in lower eyelids, lines marked aesthetic expression and dissent. In making this surgery improves facial appearance decreasing facial expression of fatigue and heaviness improving self-esteem and interpersonal relationships.




- After performing blepharoplasty microspore dressings are placed which help reduce inflammation and cover the wound. These can only be removed by the surgeon as sutures. We recommend placing crushed ice very gently and not directly on the skin to prevent weight on the eye or use cold masks on the eyelids for 10 minutes every hour during the first days and merge with a warm wet cloth as this will reduce inflammation significantly..


- It is important that the patient in their recovery effort to avoid reading or working on the computer for the first 48-72 hours after the procedure.


- It is recommended not stay long lying down, however short walks.


- If the patient uses contact lens can only be used again under instructions of the surgeon..


- The exercises and sudden movements and lifting heavy objects should be removed during the first two weeks..


- We recommend using sunglasses to avoid direct sunlight and bright lights and use sunscreen 4 times daily.




After the intervention pretty swelling and bruising occurs on the eyelids and cheeks which will improve over 7-10 days. It is normal to have blurry vision as a result of unguent used to lubricate and protect the eye during surgery. The pain that this will be manageable with analgesics.




Natural effects are expected and it is important that the candidate be aware that blepharoplasty it aims to improve the appearance of the eye area, but it is not an intervention that stops aging, so always talk about lasting results as the patient support intervention with specific care after surgery. This procedure can take from 1-3 hours and general anesthesia is used.


Partial results of the surgery will be visible in a few weeks when the desinflammation reach 90% and bruising gradually subside, revealing a fresh, rejuvenated look. 


However the final results could take between 3-6 months and the healing process is achieved annually.